Sentence computation and modification [Admin.Code DOC 302.03, 302.18, 302.33] -  CR09-120
Service of process and papers
Agent for service of process upon the boards that are attached to DETF [Admin.Code ETF 11.15] -  CR09-048
Sex crimes
Hospitals: forfeitures, anatomical gifts, and automated external defibrillator (AED) training [Admin.Code DHS 124.05, 124.24] -  CR09-089
Sex offender registration fee [Admin.Code DOC 332.19] -  CR08-045
Sexual assault, see Sex crimes
Shoreland zoning
County shoreland zoning ordinances: minimum standards for [Admin.Code NR 115 (title), 115.01, 115.02, 115.03, 115.05, 115.06, 115.07, 115.09, 115.11, 115.15, 115.17, 115.19, 115.21, 115.23, 115.25] -  CR05-058
Sidewalk, see Street
Slow moving vehicle, see Motor vehicle
Small business, see Business
Small loan
Payday lending [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 75] -  CR10-098
Smoking, see Tobacco
Social work, see Public welfare
Soldier — Education, see Veteran — Education
Soldier — Relief, see Veteran — Relief
Solid waste management
Composting of solid waste [Admin.Code NR 500.03, 502.12, 518.04] -  CR10-128
Sports, see Athletics
Spouse, see Family
State, see specific department or subject
State aid, see specific subject
State buildings, see Public building
State government, see specific agency or department
State land, see Public land
State lottery, see Lottery
State park, see also Forestry
Firewood: regulation of entering department lands and affecting small businesses [Admin.Code NR 45.04]  - CR09-103
Hunting in state parks, including DNR-managed portions of state trails [Admin.Code NR 10.275, 45.09]  - CR08-022
State prison, see Prison
State Public Defender, see Public defender
Stewardship Program, see Natural resource
Storage facility, see Warehouse
Storm, see Weather
Highway projects: bikeways and sidewalks [Admin.Code Trans 75] -  CR10-082
Support of dependents, see Family — Support
Surcharge, see specific subject
Surveying and surveyors
Information requests in conjunction with an investigation of a complaint filed against a registrant; failure to respond [Admin.Code A-E 8.08] -  CR09-034
Land surveying experience: administrative code and statute citations [Admin.Code A-E 6.03] -  CR09-030
Land surveyors: continuing education [Admin.Code A-E 10] -  CR09-032
Supervision, direct supervision, responsible charge, and direct and control: definitions [Admin.Code A-E 8.03]  - CR09-033
Swimming pool, see Recreation
- T -
TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), see Public assistance
Tax Appeals Commission
Rules of practice and procedure [Admin.Code TA 1.01, 1.03, 1.11, 1.13, 1.15, 1.17, 1.19, 1.21, 1.23, 1.29, 1.31, 1.32, 1.33, 1.34, 1.35, 1.37, 1.39, 1.51, 1.53, 1.55, 1.57, 1.61, 1.63] - CR07-113
Taxation, see also specific tax
Ambulatory surgical center assessment [Admin.Code Tax 1.17] - CR10-005
Penalties for failure to produce records [Admin.Code Tax 2.85] -  CR09-087
Milwaukee parental choice program: establishing a temporary, nonrenewable waiver from the requirement that a teacher have a bachelor's degree in order to teach in a private school [Admin.Code PI 35.07] -  CR09-084
National teacher certification and master educator licensure grants [Admin.Code PI 37.01, 37.02, 37.03, 37.04, 37.05] - CR08-044
Teacher — Certificate
Educator preparation and licensing flexibility [Admin.Code PI 8.01, 34.01, 34.05, 34.06, 34.11, 34.15, 34.16, 34.17, 34.18, 34.21, 34.22, 34.23, 34.28, 34.29, 34.30, 34.31, 34.32, 34.33, 34.34] -  CR10-083
National teacher certification and master educator licensure grants [Admin.Code PI 37.01, 37.02, 37.03, 37.04, 37.05] - CR08-044
Technical college
Statutory residents [Admin.Code TCS 10.03] -  CR09-066
Technical College System Board
Statutory residents [Admin.Code TCS 10.03] -  CR09-066
Training program grants [Admin.Code TCS 17.06] -  CR10-096
Technology, see Data processing; specific subject
Police and fire protection fee created under 2009 WisAct 28 [Admin. Code PSC 172] -  CR09-086
Resellers: certification [Admin.Code PSC 168.06, 168.09, 168.13] -  CR10-143
Universal service fund administration; provision of universal telecommunications service [Admin.Code PSC 160.01, 160.02, 160.03, 160.031, 160.035, 160.04, 160.05, 160.06, 160.061, 160.062, 160.063, 160.07, 160.071, 160.073, 160.08, 160.09, 160.091, 160.092, 160.10, 160.11, 160.115, 160.125, 160.13, 160.14, 160.15, 160.16, 160.17, 160.18, 160.19, 161.05, 165.043, 165.088, 171.06] - CR06-067
Telemarketing, see Telephone
Police and fire protection fee created under 2009 WisAct 28 [Admin. Code PSC 172] -  CR09-086
Security systems, utilization reviews, and prescription orders transmitted by facsimile machines [Admin.Code Phar 6.08, 7.12, 8.12] -  CR09-098
Wisconsin no call law: addition of cell phone numbers [Admin.Code ATCP 127.80, 127.804, 127.81, 127.82, 127.83] - CR10-045
Television, see also Telecommunications
Video service: customer access to subscription service and discriminatory practices by providers [Admin.Code ATCP 123] - CR08-067